2,285 research outputs found

    Collective decision making in cohesive flocks

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    Most of us must have been fascinated by the eye catching displays of collectively moving animals. Schools of fish can move in a rather orderly fashion and then change direction amazingly abruptly. There are a huge number of further examples both from the living and the non-living world for phenomena during which the many interacting, permanently moving units seem to arrive at a common behavioural pattern taking place in a short time. As a paradigm of this type of phenomena we consider the problem of how birds arrive at a decision resulting in their synchronized landing. We introduce a simple model to interpret this process. Collective motion prior to landing is modelled using a simple self-propelled particle (SPP) system with a new kind of boundary condition, while the tendency and the sudden propagation of the intention of landing is introduced through rules analogous to the random field Ising model in an external field. We show that our approach is capable of capturing the most relevant features of collective decision making in a system of units with a variance of individual intentions and being under an increasing level of pressure to switch states. We find that as a function of the few parameters of our model the collective switching from the flying to the landing state is indeed much sharper than the distribution of the individual landing intentions. The transition is accompanied by a number of interesting features discussed in this report

    HIV-pozitív én-elbeszélések. Metadiegetikus és extradiegetikus narratívák szerepe az identifikációban - (Szub)kultúra létrejötte az elbeszélésben/elbeszéltségben

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    Azonos című doktori értekezés tézisei

    Signatures of fractal clustering of aerosols advected under gravity

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    Aerosols under chaotic advection often approach a strange attractor. They move chaotically on this fractal set but, in the presence of gravity, they have a net vertical motion downwards. In practical situations, observational data may be available only at a given level, for example at the ground level. We uncover two fractal signatures of chaotic advection of aerosols under the action of gravity. Each one enables the computation of the fractal dimension D0D_{0} of the strange attractor governing the advection dynamics from data obtained solely at a given level. We illustrate our theoretical findings with a numerical experiment and discuss their possible relevance to meteorology.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communications

    Az „Idegbizottság” szerepe a homoszexualitás magyarországi dekriminalizációjában

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    Tanulmányunkban a másként „megoldhatatlannak” tűnő társadalmi kérdések medikalizációjának menetét illusztráljuk egy 20. századi magyarországi történeti példán keresztül: a homoszexuális cselekmények 1961-es magyarországi dekriminalizációjának hátterét vizsgáljuk meg 1958-ból származó, korábban ismeretlen levéltári források fényében